Installing Projectile

You’ve got a few options for acquiring Projectile. Most folks use homebrew when possible, but other methods are available. If you’re looking to extend or contribute to Projectile, run it from source.


brew tap kyleu/kyleu
brew install projectile

Release jar

  • Download the latest release from GitHub. Only a single file, projectile.jar, is needed
  • From your project’s directory, run java -jar projectile.jar, this will print CLI usage
  • To run the web server, run java -jar projectile.jar server

SBT plugin

An SBT plugin (details here) is provided for running Projectile from within your project’s SBT session. Because of SBT plugin restrictions, the web server is unavailable, though command-line usage is supported. You can use one of the other methods to launch the server and use a UI to configure your project

Run from source

Clone Projectile

$ cd projectile
$ sbt
> run
$ open

The project is built on Scala and SBT, and can be opened by IntelliJ directly